GENERAL NEWS / 01-02-2022
Pacto Verde (Green Deal) is a community of companies and business organisations from Vitoria-Gasteiz that work to reduce the environmental impact of their activity and thus contribute to the transition towards circular and low-carbon production models. Joining this community is synonymous with sustainable commitment, environmental management and competitive advantage.
Each year the Green Deal Awards recognise the best environmental practices among participating companies.
We talk to Fernando Calvo, Occupational Risk Prevention and Environmental Manager in Aratubo
Good morning, Fernando. First of all, congratulations on the award.
Could you briefly detail your professional background in this environmental responsibility discipline?
Many thanks, we are delighted by this award.
I started working as an Occupational Risk Prevention and Environmental Manager in 2005. In 2020, I started working in Aratubo in this same position.
How long have you been part of the Green Deal group of companies? What prompted you to join this community?
We have been part of the Green Deal group of companies since July 2020 due to the feeling of environmental responsibility we have towards our closest environment.
This proposal, carried out by the Vitoria - Gasteiz City Council, is a magnificent opportunity for companies to share initiatives and improve on environmental issues.
What has been your commitment to sustainability recognised by the Green Deal? How has the process been? What would you highlight?
Aratubo became aware of the importance of managing electrical consumption as a result of the first energy audit that we carried out in 2017. As of that date, we have been developing several actions to reduce energy consumption.
We have established an energy management system based on objective data, the results of which allow us to know where the company's most significant consumption comes from (both in real time and accumulated). The devices we have implemented allow us to establish effective strategies to reduce energy consumption, as well as to detect specific deviations in real time (breakdowns, overloads in the installation, etc.) that increase consumption unjustifiably.
"If you can't measure it, you can't improve it" – Peter Drucker
I believe that what's most worth highlighting is that we are firmly convinced of the good environmental impact that these projects generate in society and how important they are for the company to be able to evolve. The most fundamental point is to carry out good planning and time management, to continue incorporating actions related to the circular economy.
Do these actions carried out by Aratubo have a positive or negative impact on the competitiveness of your products?
In this case, the impact is clearly positive. Energy is an increasingly expensive resource, and everything we do to reduce its consumption will help reduce costs.
On top of this, the market also perceives our products positively, the so-called value of the intangible.
What relevant results for the company can you highlight as a result of this environmental policy?
Firstly, all the issues that I have just mentioned and, secondly, and no less important, the business awareness that has been established regarding the fact that energy is a limited resource. This therefore requires the maximum commitment of the whole workforce to its correct management.
What short and medium-term objectives do you consider as the next steps on this path?
In the short term, achieving ISO 5001 certification. In the medium term, we want to advance in the circular economy and in the management and improvement of our carbon footprint.
At any raate, our objective is not only to put into practice sustainable measures that guarantee the ecological balance, but also to undertake actions that focus on the social process and preserve economic growth.