GENERAL NEWS / 28-10-2020
In spite of an abnormal industrial situation, the Arania quality brand continues to grow as a reference in the cold-rolled steel sector. In this sense, we have just renewed our ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 certifications, related to Health and Safety Management at Work and environmental protection, both remotely and on-site. Both standards reinforce Arania’s position as a leader in quality in all its processes.
Arania has been synonymous with quality at all levels since its creation in 1940. Within the sector of precision cold-rolled steel, reaching the highest quality is always the most important added value requested by large industrial customers. This not only affects the finished product, but all the processes interacting along the value chain, starting from the design of a product to its manufacturing, including human resources management, environmental protection, industrial safety…
Therefore, Arania has been awarded with several international quality certifications which confirm the company’s good practices in areas such as Quality Management, Environmental Management, Health and Safety Management at Work and Energy Use, among others. In this line, we have renewed our ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 certifications, a new step that will enable to bring the Arania quality brand to all our customers, for all sectors.
What is ISO 45001?
Established a few years ago, the ISO 45001 standard allows a company – through its Occupational Health and Safety Management System – to integrate aspects related to health and safety, such as the welfare of its entire team. The purpose is the elimination or reduction of risk in the work environment by means of a scalable certification.
Why implement ISO 45001?
With the renewal of ISO 45001, Arania is placing all its resources for the consecution of these objectives:
What is ISO 14001?
Furthermore, ISO 14001 certification is an Environmental Management System (EMS) standard, proving that companies are responsible and committed to environmental protection. In order to preserve the Arania quality brand, we are aware that sustainability and conservation of the environment are factors that will become increasingly important when it comes to offering efficient solutions adapted to the 21st century.
What are the benefits of ISO 14001?